This is an easy, tasty, and attractive appetizer that I've made to bring to holiday parties or when people have come over.
Baked Brie
8 oz round of brie
1 can of crescent rolls
about 1/2 cup of cherry preserves (could use other kinds if desired)
about 1/4 cup chopped pecans
1 egg, beaten (to use for brushing the dough and giving it a shiny, crispy finish)
Unwrap the brie out of the package. The white rind on the outside of the cheese is typically eaten, and doesn't taste like much. (FYI "It is pale in color with a slight greyish tinge under a rind of white mold" -Wikipedia) Gross to think it's actually mold, but it's delicious. The cheese, that is.

Leave the rind on. Yes.
Then wrap the cheese round in crescent rolls. I used wax paper to unravel the crescent rolls, pinched together the individually cut rolls, and then had a sheet of crescent roll dough. Chop pecans and put in center of dough. Scoop the preserves and put on top of pecans. Place cheese round on top of preserves. Wrap dough around the cheese. Place the wrapped round seam side down on a sheet pan (I also used parchment paper for less clean up on the pan.)
I had extra dough, so I used cute pie cutters that I have to make leaves and place them on top. You could probably cut out any shapes you want with the extra dough.
Make an egg wash (egg whisked with a pinch of water) and use a brush to brush the dough all over.
Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees (or until golden brown and heated through).